Monday, August 22, 2005

Of Friends and Ficklemindedness ...

I had a long walk late this afternoon. Lolly and I came to a stop at this one playground and we tried balancing ourselves on this one metal post. And geeee... did I have the might to scream out for the fear of losing my balance! But it has never felt as good as that. We talked about our coming here and of friends that we have made so far. I have this impression when it comes to friends, that is, my new circle of friends here.

I thought making friends with young adults isn't as difficult as it looks. Afterall, I see them nearly everyday for the last several years. I assumed they'd be just the same, but I was wrong. Getting to know them personally, spending your time together, giggling away at "cute" guys (criteria differ according to preference, hehehehe) from the other flats, or even having oranges together proved to be not just as easy. These people, I think, could be the most challenging lot that I know. Only now can I imagine what parents have to go through. These people (most of them, and most of the times) may experience this complicated phase that they just need to go through (not all maybe). They are just rich with "experience" that is real enough to leave you with a piece of truth, too true to be denied. The outing that was planned for many weeks turned out to be something that could be considered "unforgettable" - at least to some of us. I told someone that very same night that no one can make you happy except your own self. When you are happy, the people around you will be happy. When you are not, they will not be too. I know it sounds so cliched, but I think each one of us that night needed that (to a certain extent). It really didn't pay to ruin one's happy day because of your own ficklemindedness, nor would it pay to start rigourous search on finding a scapegoat to the whole incident. One might be so obsessed of putting the blame on others, yet at the same time knowing too well who the real culprit is. My only wish was that I had this superpower to change things in the past and made it the day it was supposed to be.

Well, to my super friend, the Super Lolly, here's hoping that you have a super year ahead of you, and may you find what you are looking for ...

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