Friday, September 21, 2007

Che' Keristeenah

I just don't know what is her problem actually. Everytime I met her (unplanned ok), she just liked to pick on Malaysia - for obvious reasons - some kind of dissatisfaction from all aspects. Kadang-kadang kelakar pon ada gak, mcm berapi2 gitu dia berdebat, dan yg paling best nya ... she couldn't make her case lagi debatable sbb aku buat tak tau. I know she's dying to seize a response from me as her claims are always laced with blatant streaks of racism and belittling notions of our nation Malaysia - both regarding culture and religion. That was precisely what happened in today's seminar. Even the Prof. was finding the way she reacted was rather judgmental. Her "attacks" were thought as provocative, however I beg to differ. She lacked sound judgment to have balanced view of the issues presented, and was certainly slanted in conveying comments. Yes, of course each of us is entitled to our own opinions, yet the way (or how) we choose to frame our sentences is equally important. Frankly speaking, it's just not challenging enough to argue with a person who is narrow minded when she greatly believes herself to be very knowledgeable, very educated, and very capable. She's the center of her universe, so make the way, hehehehe. I always have this sense of her being not comfortable in my presence, you know, the need to rea-affirm herself that "I'm better than this Malaysian gal". Inferior of me? Who??? Moi??? Hahahahaha. The more I kept quiet the more uncomfortable she'd become. Am I that threatening? Lol! Probably I exude some kind of "scorching power" in my silence that just cuts her across all levels of truth - she's not as what she wants others to see her. I do not find her condescending way of looking at things new. In fact, I am now more convinced that she craves attention (like most in her flock), esp. in the presence of Malaysians. LOL ... Others can easily form their own judgment of you after the first impression - and I think the Prof. would have added more at the end of the session for I caught him analysing everyone at the round table. She looked messed up ok, tu mcm org sakit tu, or maybe she is agaknya. Aku tau ini bulan pose, tak bleh nak gosip2, or komen2 , but posting ni just to reflect. I'm glad I kept my cool, sbb it made my conversation with the Prof. at the end of the seminar more enligtening (minus her of course). Haihhh .. Che' Keristeenah, nampak gempak, tapi ... kosong sebenarnya. Satu lagi aku nak tambah, bukan nak mengata tau, cuma nak mencadangkan aje. Aku rasa la kan, mungkin dah sampai masanya utk ko basuh rambut gak. Ada bau la makcik. Takkan lah org Spore pemalas nak cuci rambut kut, orang Msia gak yg bau wangi ... kuang kuang kuang ...

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