Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sepanjang 2008

This is my final posting for the year. Wow ... it's just hours before the new year 2009. It sure has been a hectic year for me, workwise - conferences, papers, research, invites from the dept back home, etc. I have, for example, enjoyed the active research circle that I belong to - the sessions were so open and fun. Particularly enjoyed Barbara's and Liam's papers. All that thanks to Joy. I would never forget the support I got from Scroogie, Bill, Helen and Joy during the preparation of the conference too. And also the hibiscus and the hugs and the kisses, hehehehe they were all so sweet. Learnt a lot of new things too - among them - Ningaloo, caravanning and RVing. And the end of the semester celebration at the postgrad lab was also unforgettable - esp. Zayed's cardamom tea and the many cakes. Fuhhhhh ... terangkat beb. Drew inspirations from Su's graduation - he's still the legend. Hehehe. We did plan a celebration for his success, but he wasn't able to make it for the graduation ceremony. I hope we'll meet again one of these days. Helen is supposedly to finish this coming February ... huhuhuhu ... I'm going to miss her.

And I will also remember the story of the "spinster" - the marriage certificate, the (bachelor &) spinsters ball, and Helen's stories of her "spinsterhood" (she said she never believes in getting married, tho she has been with her man for many years. They have 3 kids). Those afternoon chats -- were so relaxing. Another 2 words yg aku rasa aku tak bleh nak lupa utk tahun ini ialah - "armchair research". Yer la, ada org claim mcm tu. We shall see my friend. Frankly, it didn't affect me that much but the source it came from ... hmmmmm ... **sigh**
Attended a 2-day course organised by the MSD. Needless to say, I was the only one from my area, which I suppose, does not come near to those ppl who feel that their courses are the mighty ones. Akak2 yg attend tu rata2nya skema, and perasan sume dah senior. Cara cakap dgn kita pon, ada "pandangan lalat sikit". The presenter, ehem ... ehem ... tak mo nak komen byk. I think talking with my group members was more rewarding. And too much of ramblings from the president of the msian students here. Macam bagus, tapi kosong. And he should really polish up on his communication skills. Takde ketokohan utk memimpin. And the gathering itself is a good example of the Msian community yg berpuak2. And MC tu plak, sibuk2 nak highlight aku nyer single status. And I met this makcik benggali too. She's not bad, tapi aku rasa dia mcm "teringin" sgt nak ade bf. Siap curious lagi bila aku ngan YB asyik bersembang. Hahahahahaha, YB nyer answer bila dia tanya pon bagus gak, hah terkena btg hidung ko. Nak dijadikan cite, ada la satu incident masa majlis jamuan raya, dia telah menolak2 kepala ku. Aku ni pantang sket org main2 kepala, mmg dari kecik lagi aku dah diajor, jgn main2 ngan kepala org ni. Kurang ajor namanya. Makcik ni aku agak dia nak main2, tapi agak over sket. Dan lepas tu, nak flaunt around that Scroogie entertained dia and that her study is sssoooooo damn susah. Hello ... everybody is in the same boat here, so buckle up la. Ni bukan tahap skolah menengah lagi. Enuff said ... sudah kensel sumenya.
Tahun ni balik kampung for raya. It was unforgettable, with the many baju rayas and kasut raya. And the kuih raya, and all the goodies. Yum yum. And BBQ kat rumah K.Nora and the kenduri at Mak Nyah's. Met some latest additions to the family too. Jumpa sedara mara yg dah lama tak jumpa. Simply memorable. Though it was just for 2 weeks, sempat le habiskan puasa kat Msia, makan gulai tempoyak ikan keli. On the way back, turun kat Penang for a few days. Met some old friends, had some delicious laksa (dah lupa kat mana mr. rozy & beena bawak aku). Byk jugak la cite.

Now ... housemates ... well, they come and go. Only Yash and me are staying put. Josh left after 2 semesters. Bel and Ruqaiya were only tenants for 1 semester. Dunno who'll be our new housemates next semester. Yup... was so happy to be informed that my application was accepted. I shifted out for this summer as they are doing some renovations to the flat. Can't wait to be back to my flat. The current flatmates are not as good as 23's. One girl is always having violent fights with the bf, and the other is having issues inferiority complex. She told ppl that she's very rich and that she's a lawyer. Yet - ironically - she's also into stealing. Yup ... sometimes, I pity her, education has failed her in one way.

See, there's a lot more that I wanted to post here, but time doesn't permit. Next year, it'll be probably lesser - for a short while. I'll be superbusy. And wish me luck. My journey is coming to an end. Goodbye 2008.

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