Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Of Copy-Cats & Food Poisoning

I had food poisoning last week and I spent the weekend in bed. It was so bad that I thought I might have to sleep in the toilet! That is minus the vomitings and bloating ok. Other than that, I was just as good as goreng pisang semalam (read: b-a-s-i) :P
After taking loads of medicines, I am feeling much better now. What was the cause to my food poisoning? It was a bowl of meehoon beef soup. I had it at the Juru R&R, the one along the hi-way to KL (yes, the immediate R&R just after you leave Penang). I was so hungry that evening, I even requested for extra beef! It cost RM11.00 for 2 mangkuks of meehoon soup. Very pricey for a gerai punya food kan. And to get food poisoning after that ... is just not good ehh ...
So, the next time you stop at the Juru R&R, be selective of the food that you want to buy. After that incident, I'd strongly encourage you to take your break at the next R&R stop. That'd be at Gunung Semanggol I think. As for me, I shall refrain myself from taking meehoon soup for a long, long, long time. Phobia dibuatnya.
Anyway, I turned off my mobile when I was sick that weekend. And boy was I so glad I did that. You know, there are some people who just couldn't leave you alone, who just need to call you every day. Geeeezzzz ... get a life! I don't mind if it's really important/urgent, but other than that pls. respect my private time. My life does not revolve around you. I cannot and will not entertain you at any time you wish. My sincere advice is: grow up my friend and please be your own self. Imitating others (character-wise, personality, style or preferences) is just so ... not cool. Feel good meh if you become a copy-cat? ish ish ish ...

1 comment:

mrs Shiv said...

i can understand your feeling... mesti rasa lemas kan....