Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Raksaksa Dengan Bebola Api

Have you ever felt like you just want to lash out on someone but you really tried hard not to? Ala mcm ibarat ko tu raksaksa and ko ada satu bebola api yang beso. Pas tu ada la satu makhluk yang ko marah tul ngan dia dan ko terasa nakkkkk je baling bebola api tu kat dia, bior terbako semua rambut dia, bior botak, baru padan muka dia hahahahahaha ... Entahlah, I have been feeling like that for the past couple of days. Bukan pada semua orang, tapi ada la pada sorang makcik nih. I really hated it when people sort of ridiculed you as if you are a kid, who knows nothing at all. Come on la, you can stick to your guns just because you think that your choice is better and that mine is no good at all. Does the word tolerance mean anything to you? Afterall you are also not young and gullible anymore! The truth is aku dah mula rasa bosan with whatever way yang she thinks is right. FYI aku ni bukannya jenis yang suka last minute, unattended and messy kind of work. Semua pon pakai tibai aje, and the best thing is that kalau part nak gi deal ngan Ozs kat sini, ko bergantung kat aku walaupun ko yang sepatutnya buat. Sekali dua tu, aku bleh paham lagi, tapi kalau dah slalu sangat, mintak maaf la makcik, you deal with your own shit.
And I think the course of my training have also made me rather attentive to one's language use. Minus the linguistic ability la, but pls at least ensure that your tone when you speak to people is one that is not offensive. Aku cukup pantang betul kalau cakap guna tone yg salah. Eh makcik, tak yah la nak show that you know all sebab the reality is that you memang the other way round. I can easily point it out to you but I didn't. Rasa penat la nak buat macam tu, so I kept quiet. Terasa marah jugak, tapi biar la. Some things are better left unsaid. Malas nak layan, assume aje la markah IELTS dia below the grade - Band 1 ke, 2 ke - walaupun dia rasa dia tu terror lagi. Or maybe aku ni je yang being overly sceptical at the situation. Maybe it is due to the flu that I'm having kut, yup - been down with flu for the past week. And with the hot summer nights here (hot to my standard that is), you just feel like stripping naked and jump into the bed with the fan at the fullest blast every nite! Trust me, having flu during this hot dry summer isn't good at all, especially when you know that you are prone to chill from the fan and the state of being n**** la kan. Enuff to say la, I need to dope myself to sleep sebab memang tak leh tidor - idong sumbat. Vicks pon dah surrender.
Oh ya, Babeh is back again with me. Am happy to get it back though it is kinda new Babeh. Dalam flu2 tu pon, aku gi amik dia. The hard disk was replaced as it was corrupted. Nasib baik la tak kena bayar apa-apa. I need to see Lori tomorrow as he will download some of the programs kat dalam Babeh. Besok Chris balik, aiseh gabrak aku rasa. Al maklumla kena mengadap about the final draft. Nervous siut.
Say, I have been thinking, aku nakcari satu TV kecik la ... ntah jadi ntah idak, tgk $$$$ dulu. Raksaksa nak sambung keje. Bola api dah padam :P

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