Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tram, Casino and Hop&Stop

Casino - yup, that was one of the places that I went to yesterday. The Burswood Casino at Burswood International Resort to be exact. The resort is near the Swan River, and I tell you, it is really big. It has 9 restaurants, 6 bars, a luxury hotel, a convention centre, a theatre (if I am not mistaken), and a dome (for sports event - some Hopman Cup, or something like that. Wasn't really listening when Barry was "narating" the description of the place). And I think that could be the most popular resort in WA. And yes, the Burswood Park is nearby and a golf course too (kalau tak salahnya la). But the Casino (which is opened 24/7) is the major attration to the place.
The Burswood Casino is really big, brightly lit and looks impressive. Well, I can't really compare it as I have never been to any casino before. Yup, my first time to the casino, and Lolly's too. So, you can imagine la how blur we were yesterday. We walked and walked around to look at the games that they have. Ada yg duduk in circles, and ada jugak macam machines that come in black boxes - these ones are plenty. We saw card games, and many of those, and others that we didn't know how to play. I know I shouldn't be gambling, but LOL we were so tempted to try, and we did. I put in $10, and Lolly put in $10 too. Hehehehehe, $20 to gamble??? Ada ke orang yang gamble guna $20? But that was already too much for us. We went to the changer, and in exchange he gave us in one plastic mug with 20 pieces of $1 coins. After circling the casino for a few times, we tried 3 different games --> all of which we didn't know how to play --> at all!!! --> that is in spite of reading the rules over and over again. LOL, the only thing that we did was just pressing whatever buttons that were lighted on the machine. Hahahahaha, needless to say, we lost $10. We took the balance of our money in the mug ($5 each) and headed to the hotel's reception. By the way, from our observation, 90% of the patrons in the casino are all old people! Old as in yang memang dah tua-tua tu, jalan yg slow je, yang pakai tongkat pun ada, and quite a number of Asians jugak (must be tourists). Walau weyyyy, they surely enjoy gambling, just keep on putting in the coins. Dan, haaaa.... yg lagi tua sikit, duduk main bingo, LOL. What a view.
At the hotel lobby, there were a few shops selling souvenirs and I bought 2 bottles of jam from Margaret River@Burswood . Lepas tu, we waited for 30 mins for the next tram to the city. Ok, why in the world did we end up at the casino? The reason is this - we missed the river cruise to Swan Valley this morning. Lolly surfed the Net and saw that the cruise was scheduled at 11am, so we thought we still could make it by 10.30am. Tengok-tengok, the morning cruise leaves at 10.15am. The morning cruise is without lunch but with morning coffee. We planned to have lunch in Northbridge pas tu. When we reached the Barrack Street Pier tu, yang ada hanya lah afternoon luncheon river cruise (with wine tasting lagi tu). Harganya agak mahal, dari $80 - $115, memang awal-awal lagi kena kensel la ($$$$$ tak dak). Pusing punya pusing tak de choice lain, maybe lain kali la we all try again. Lepas tu, tak tau la plak nak buat apa. So we sat on one bench, figuring out what to do next when we saw the tram coming. Hehehehe, we didn't want a trip around the city, the only place yang tak pernah pergi lagi on the list is the Casino. So ... itu lah ceritanya. Barry, the tram driver cum the tourist guide, was really a nice chap - very friendly. And bila balik tu, we took the big red double-decker bus Hop and Stop. Both of us climbed up the upper deck, and ahhhhh, the experience was great, macam budak-budak pulak. Seronok wooo...angin tiup, bleh tgk city dgn begitu clear lagi.
Ok, bila sampai city, we hopped down in front of the city campus, and carik tempat nak makan. Found an Asian restaurant, I had fried rice, Lolly had green curry noodle (something like that). Food was really good, and lepas tu we all ingat nak gi Subi, tapi tak jadik. Ended up in the city, Lolly shopping sakan, and me ... hehehehe, beli sikit2 je. Since the Xmas mood is in the air, shopping has never been this great and nice-smelling (LOL, sbb we tried so many perfumes at the countless of counters that they have here). The Xmas gifts that they have ... soooo irresistable, sakit belakang pun hilang ... alangkah baiknya kalau aku ni jutawan ... cheers!

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