Sunday, January 01, 2006

December 2005

Yo yo yooo my prennn ... this is me blogging from my dad's PC. Yup, I am back Malaysia since mid Dec. It has been really really great to be back home. I miss Msia so much, my parents, my family in T.Intan and my friends in Melaka. I left Perth for Brunei Darussalam for a conference. Despite having fever kat sana for 2 days, it was an unforgettable trip simply because that was the first time I am travelling alone. I met some old friends from Manila, made many new friends too, took a trip to Bandar Seri Begawan, shopped at the Brunei capital, ate the palatable delicacies of the Bruneians (like the Nasi Ambuyat & the Udang Goreng Mentega), and attended a dinner at Li Gong Restaurant, Empire Hotel and Country Club. Just wonderful ...
When I reached KLIA, my mum & dad were there to pick me up. Missed them much, my dad looks pretty much the same but my mum is keeping her hair long. Hehehehe, I was just glad to be back. A day after that, we headed for Teluk Intan to attend Mijah's wedding. My homecoming was greeted by the gerimis ... all the way from KL sampai la malam tu. Met nearly all my relatives - dari my immediate family members sampai la ke Pakcik Rajak, Macik Nora, Dr. Saleh & family, Pak Yeop, Opah Tuyah, Opah Cu, Alang's family, Wa Tina & Shahril, etc etc. - semua happy to see each other again, except for Mahizan's mum kut. Entah la, maybe I was being sensitive or what, but I sensed that dia macam tak happy je bila jumpa aku. Not as chatty and friendly as before, but what the heck. I just didn't let that spoil my day. Dia memang kurang senang with me sometimes just because I was offered a place in the uni. as compared to her daughter, yg memang lagi pandai daripada yours truly ni. Apa nak buat, orang nak pandang rendah kat kita, kita terima aje la... kan kan kan ... afterall she's insignificant to my life pon. But Mahizan and I will always remain as best buddies. Dgn aku senang je, be nice to those who are nice to you. I met Acai's wife too - Fidah nama dia. I like her instantly jika nak dibandingkan dengan Farah dulu - there's some air of friendliness and simplicity in her that make us easy to connect, though si Acai masih made a "stupid" joke of my "obese" weight kannnn. What a stereotypical remark, just because I am not married (yet). Maleh nak layan, masuk telinga kanan, kuar telinga kiri. Lantak ko le, bukannya aku ni mintak makan kat sesape :P. Mijah's wedding macam anak alang yang lain2 tu, memang la glamer with the pelamin and the bilik pengantin. We had several family shoots taken and certainly a great get-together. And as usual, tak bleh nak lari dari soklan cepu emas - bila plak giliran ko, cheeeyyyyy. Buhsan tul, soklan Mak Nyah ku lagi best - Kamu ni ada ke teman istemewa? - hehehehehe, macam sedap je bunyinya soklan tu, tapi tak dapek nak menjawabnya sbb mmg takde jawapan yg dorang nak dgr. Ntahlah, at this point malas nak pikir semua tu. I am happy as I am now. So, what else, pergi ke kubor jugak, I miss my Opah so much. And I went to Fajar gak, just to jalan-jalan.
We just came back from Melaka semalam, was there for 2 days. Jumpa my buddies in Melaka la apa lagi. I met K. Sephia, K. Zill, K. Dev, Ah Sui and Anis. Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, me felt so seronokkkkk ... so gembira to meet them all again. K. Dev dah jadik blondie, simpan rambut panjang. K. Zill is a lot happier now and dah berkaler2 eye-shadownya. Ah Sui seperti biasa masih mcm dulu. Anis jugak masih maintain vogue like before. And K. Sephia mcm dah lost weight sikit. Walaupun we gossiped a lot, hehehehehehehe mcm dedulu, but it just felt at home when you are back together. I do miss them a lot. Jumpa the org2 opis jugak, PM Suad yg ngos tu, K. Noorliah, Hanissah (yg kata aku dah hitam :P), Noor, K. Su, Ain, Fauziah, Ali, Haizal, En. Rahman, dll. But tak jumpa K.Yana & si Ngos,or K. Noorli even. Dunno why but I just didnt have the anticipated feelings of meeting the 2 of them and the others but my circle of friends kat wing lama tu. Met the gang twice - one for teh tarik @ Subaidah, then lunch @ Bibik. Lepas gian kat Nur Ridzuan, Bibik pun nampak semakin prosperous, hahahahaha and teh tarik masih kawa cam dedulu. Hmmmm, apa lagi yek, ohhh... I went to Jonker Walk with K. Zill, malam tu balik at 3am, after having asam pedas kat Straits Meridien, then teh tarik kat Subaidah. Skrg ni dah ada byk cafes kat Jonker Walk tu, ada satu that I must go the next time I am there - Limau Limau Cafe - the ambience is sooo cool. Macam tak cukup je the 2-day visit tu. And I met a group of my kids dulu. Tak sangka dorang ingat lagi kat aku ... how I miss the good old days in Melaka.
That was a memorable end to my 2005. In retro, I have had a very colorful 2005, with several big decisions that have changed my life - decisions that required me to extend beyond what I could never have thought that I'd do. But I am glad with all that I have decided for I would never realise what I have to take on the journey. I have never been as independent as I am now, and I also know that it has made a better me. I don't have any resolutions for the new year though. I pray that 2006 will bring many many many happy memories and great health to all of us. Just that.


Amit Gaur said...

dont know why but yout post has put a positive feeling or inspiration in my otherwise boring life .......... keep posting

Sri_Kandi said...

hey amit

thanks, glad to hear that. cheers.