Thursday, March 08, 2007

Can I?

I am in uni now. Didn't come in for 2 days. Why? Because it was scorching hot for the past 2 days - 42.5 degrees! The hottest March so far in Perth. It is still hot now at 39 today, even in Msia we don't get this kind of weather. I don't quite like it staying in the room either, but thinking of the walk thru the field to uni makes me think twice. It's like being "smoked" - tu macam pisang salai tu.

Ni ada satu cerita - it happened yesterday. I eavesdropped (not intentionally, but they were "discussing" in front of my room ok). I ONLY heard bits and pieces of the conversation between Yousef and Kevin. Muahahahahaha ... I think they were gossiping about Yash's gf. You know, the kerek gal. And that gal sure is having attitude problem. She's a mess! She was hysteric in our flat yesterday scolding Yash. Poor boy ... he only tried to shhooooohhhhhed her. Yer la, awek datang serang-serang ni, sape yang nak explain banyak-banyak kan. Dah puas dia mengamuk in Hindi, dia balik bilik dia (exactly bawah bilik aku) histeria dalam Creole plak. Aku rasa maybe Yash nak break up kut, sebabnya nampak mcm si kerek gal tu je yang lelebih. And Yash being Yash, memang la friendly and approachable. And being one of the outstanding student figure at the residence probably menaikkan saham dia lagi kut. And the best part, the other two boys were discussing that, while at the same time relating to their experience - Yousef with his good old UK stories and Kevin with the gal who stared at her - or so I "heard". Hehehe ... interesting lot I'd say.
Tu cerita semalam yang tergendala sebab aku gi lunch ngan Super Lolly at the Noodle House. On the way there, terserempak ngan sorang officer dari Petronas. Mana aku tau dia org Petronas, tu sebab dia pakai kemeja Petronas. I'm sure of that. He was really staring at me - musti dia ingat - ini orang kampung aku kut. But alas, memandangkan ade sorang makcik OZ tgh direct dia kat depan International Office tu, makanya mintak maap la brader, next time la kut ye. Anyway, had lunch ngan Lolly since her next class was at 5.30pm. Pas tu duduk lepak kat depan library, lama la jugak. Saja je talking abt our personal life and "analysing" people passing by. After one semester away from her, I think she's becoming more mature. Lebih berjimat-cermat and knows how to take care of herself better. We talked abt many things gak, pasal Jane, pasal Garfield, pasal rumah sewa, my flatmates, shopping, warts ... hehehehe, she has more on her fingers and her toes now, sampai la ke cite si Sven, her Deutsch bf. Time does fly ...
Hari ni, workstation tak de orang. Aku sorang je. The weather is really nice today, so the walk to school was a good one. Meeting with Scroogie is arranged for next week. I'm really nervous about all this - time is running short. It gives me the shiver. Can I do it on time? Can I?

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